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Hello fellas!
Today I would like to write about my favorite dessert recipe, PUDDİNG! I swear this is the easiest dessert to do when you’re craving something sweet, trust me!
- 1 liter warm milk
- 1 cup of granulated sugar
- 3 table spoon of(tbsp) cocoa
- 2 table spoon of(tbsp) all purpose flour
- 2 table spoon of(tbsp) starch (it can be corn or wheat starch)
- 1\2 table spoon of(tbsp) vanilla extract (optional)
- 2 table spoon of(tbsp) butter (margarine can also be used)
- First in a suitable saucepan, take the other ingredients except vanilla extract and butter.
- Start cooking on medium heat, stirring constantly with the help of a whisk.
- When it starts to thicken , cook it for a few minutes.
- Add vanilla extract and butter into the puding you took from the fire and beat it for a few minutes with a mixer.
Here is your perfect dessert in just 4 steps, you can let it chill in the refrigerator and serve it with cherries on top. Bon Apetit!
Thanks for trying my dessert recipe, I hope you’ll enjoy it see you soon bye!