Pamukkale Thermal Pools — Turkey. Kerosene Creek — New Zealand. Ojo Caliente Mineral Springs — New Mexico. Kraus Hot Springs — Canada. Chena Hot Springs — Alaska. Uunartoq — Greenland. Banjar Hot Springs — Indonesia. Cascate del Mulino — Italy. Which country has the best hot springs? What is the most famous hot spring in the world? Where are the hottest springs in the world? What are the three largest hot springs in the world? Which European country is known for its thermal springs? Where is the worlds largest natural hot springs? What is the largest hot spring in Europe? What is the highest hot spring in Europe? What is Europe's most powerful hot spring? What is the second largest hot spring in the world? Which country in Europe is there an abundance of hot springs? Are hot springs good for you? What European city has the most thermal hot springs? What is the oldest hot spring? What is the bigest spa in Europe? Does Switzerland have hot springs? What is the largest hot springs resort in the world? Does Germany have hot springs?
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